1. EPSON / TM-C3500
Take the Tour of the Printers for Custom Food Labels
  2. EPSON / TM-C7500
Take the Tour of the Industrial Color Label Printer

3. EPSON / CW-C6040A, CW-C6540A
On-Demand Color Label Printers | Take the Tour

4. EPSON / TM-C3500
Borderless Printing / 풀컬러이미지출력

5. EPSON / TM-C3500
Usability Test for Different Label Applications and Durability
라벨의 용도 및 내구성에 관한 사용적합성 시험


6. EPSON / TM-C3500
How to Adjust Banding Reduction
밴딩현상(줄생김) 감소 조정방법


7. EPSON / TM-C3500
Setting Label Dimensions in Nice Label / 라벨 사이즈 설정방법

  8. EPSON / TM-C3500
How to Set the Driver 드라이버 설정방법

9. EPSON / TM-C7500
Commercial Label 고급 상업용라벨